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Cognomovement Classes
Cognomovement classes are great for all ages. During a class we focus on stimulating the brain and relaxing the nervous system. It is a movement class but without the sweating and straining. Clients report that it is a relaxing class were you feel very much at peace within yourself and connected back to your body.
During a class we deep breathe, stretch and relax. We do exercises to remove any limiting beliefs that you may have placed on your body. We do a little warm up - nothing extreme just preparing our eyes and body for the ball work. We work with the cognomovement ball by crossing the ball left to right in front of our body - saying the colour out load that we see as we move the ball position upwards until above our heads. We walk in figures of eight whilst holding our eyes in different positions. We train our eyes by tracking the movement of the ball via an affinity symbol movement. We do some movements to relax the nervous system. We do some movements to lock in the work. We do movements to cool down and relax. All the way through the class I explain what we are doing and why we are doing it plus I give many tips for you to take away with you so that you have support to look after yourself during day to day life.

Just a bit of fun after a cognomovement class

I have a cognomovement set worked out for people who need to sit down or use a wheelchair

Personal Development Free Training
There is a 5 day posting on my FB business page that you can view and interact with to help you get to know and understand yourself a little better. You can also access my personal development blog from this site or my FB business page too. Hit the FB logo below to take you to my page.

Over 60's Special Offer
As part of my commitment to my local community I am offering cognomovement classes at the reduced rate of £5.00 per person for a 45 minute class.

This is what I do :)

Cognomovement October Update 2021
After successfully introducing the UK to Cognomovement via free taster sessions and regular group classes, my focus can now move to the promotion of the therapy side of cognomovement were we combat stress, trauma, improve athletic performance, tackle cravings and improve mental health etc.
The classes will still be available through the 'well being' company partnerships I have formed / promotional work / events etc and obviously I am still open to help with quick resets or if you have a interview or exam etc. that you want to switch your brain on for.
Please also feel free to reach out to me if you are hosting an event which you would like for me to be a part of as I am always happy to support local businesses or jump on a zoom for anywhere in the world. I can be involved by using my expertise in Person Development, Consciousness work or Cognomovement.
I am also getting interviewed this week for UK Health Radio which I am very excited to do and honoured to have the opportunity. I will provide a link for anyone who fancies having a listen ASAP. Here is he link for my radio interview as promised bit.ly/2X96Vi8

Health tips

January 2022 Happy New Year All x x
Cognomovement are running a FREE 21 day challenge this month to kick off the new year in a good way. I will be hosting 5 of the days so come join us by signing up.