What is Cognomovement?
Cognomovement can help with the follow:-
Improving Athletic Performance
Relieving Stress & Anxiety
Improving Coordination and Balance
Boost Sexual Performance
Change Patterns of Pain and Discomfort
Delete Cravings
Remap Peripheral Neuropathy
Assist in Weight Management
Facilitate Communication
Change Emotional Patterns
Help Schools and Students Learn and Shift Behaviour
Enhance Natural Healing Abilities
Founded in 2017 while experimenting with ways to minimize pain for his clients. Bill McKenna noticed that some of the people he was seeing were suffering greatly and he wanted to offer them more relief than he currently had access to. He discovered that if he could activate the brain while focusing on the body, he could create real and lasting change. He asked his wife Michelle to sew the first prototype Cogno Ball and the Cognomovement Journey Began!

Screenshot photo of Bill, Liz, my dog and I on the day that I qualified and became the first person in the UK to be a Cognomovement practitioner :)